2023-02-02 11:30 4次- 发布企业
- 南通冠荣表面技术有限公司商铺
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- 资质核验:已通过营业执照认证入驻顺企:第5年主体名称:南通冠荣表面技术有限公司组织机构代码:91320621MA23MAHX9Q
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- 关键词
- 南通磷化处理,南通锰磷化,南通黑磷化
- 所在地
- 南通市海安电子信息产业园
- 手机
- 19850005559
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磷化层的晶体构造能用电子显微镜或者高清放大镜判断磷化的好坏,也能把磷化层从零件上剥落下来测量,还可以用蜡块等做成模型后测量。The crystal structure of phosphating layer can be judged byelectron microscope or high-definition magnifying glass. Thephosphating layer can also be peeled off from the parts andmeasured. Moreover, wax block can be used to make model formeasurement.把磷化层剥落的办法有:用铁的零件把磷化层划个口子,再拿稀盐把磷化层融化,蜡模就是磷化层的一模一样的复制,通过清洗,烘干后拿显示镜,用关照检查。The as like as two peas for the phosphating layer are: iron partsare used to draw phosphating layer and then the thin phosphatinglayer is melted. The phosphating layer is melted. Wax pattern is aduplicate copy of phosphating layer. After cleaning, the displaymirror is used for drying and the examination is conducted withcare. 小样称量之后,放到120度的烤炉里面烘烤1小时,把小样拿出后,放到烘干的地方干了再称量。平均的质量拿磷化层的厚度来表示。After weighing the sample, put it into a 120 degree oven to bakefor 1 hour. After taking out the sample, put it in the drying placeand weigh it again. The average mass is expressed by the thicknessof the phosphating layer.两块已经知道的水分的样品放到稀盐里,5分钟之后拿出来,静候几分钟等都干了。试块底面拿纸巾吸干,再放到小瓶子里称量。测算出一个单位面积的的重量。通过测量水的两个试块,吊在很大的烧瓶里面。把试块底部距离表面10厘米,盖上盖子把烧瓶密闭好,放进恒温箱内24小时,立刻把试块拿出来放到烧瓶里称量重量。的重量拿膜重量的百分数衡量。Put two known water samples into dilute hydrochloric acid, takethem out after 5 minutes, wait for a few minutes, and thencompletely dry. The bottom surface of the test block is dried witha paper towel, and then weighed in a small bottle. Calculate theincrease in weight per unit area. By measuring two test blocks ofwater, they are suspended in a large flask. Put the bottom of thetest block 10 cm away from the surface, cover the flask, put itinto the incubator for 24 hours, and immediately take out the testblock and put it into the flask to weigh. The increased weight ismeasured as a percentage of the membrane weight.磷化层的表面光滑程度,能用光折射的方法或者拿特定的仪器测量,表面光滑度世表示磷化层的均匀性。正常好的磷化层一般小于1微米,差的磷化差能达到10微米以上。The surface smoothness of phosphating layer can be measured bylight refraction method or by special instrument. The surfacesmoothness indicates the uniformity of phosphating layer. Thenormal good phosphating layer is generally less than 1 μ m, and thepoor phosphating difference can reach more than 10 μ M.
成立日期 | 2020年12月08日 | ||
法定代表人 | 李翠凤 | ||
主营产品 | 磷化处理,黑磷化处理,锰磷化处理 | ||
经营范围 | 一般项目:技术服务、技术开发、技术咨询、技术交流、技术转让、技术推广;金属表面处理及热处理加工;化工产品销售(不含许可类化工产品);日用化学产品销售;专用化学产品销售(不含危险化学品);喷涂加工;涂料销售(不含危险化学品);金属制品销售;办公用品销售;日用百货销售;机械零件、零部件销售;建筑材料销售(除依法须经批准的项目外,凭营业执照依法自主开展经营活动) | ||
公司简介 | 南通冠荣表面技术有限公司是专门从事金属表面磷化处理的企业。公司拥有国内一流的全自动磷化生产线,磷化专业技术人员,有着极强的磷化研发能力,在国内客户和同行中树立了良好的企业形象。冠荣公司开发的磷化技术主要用于汽车、机械、五金工具、航天航空等制造业零部件的表面磷化处理。主要业务有磷化处理、黑磷化、高温锰磷化应用于零件表面处理。以达到防腐、润滑、耐磨和美观的目的。公司遵循“客户的要求是我们的追求”这一品 ... |
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品牌:冠荣 - 无锡磷化加工,无锡锰磷化,无锡黑磷化1.50元/公斤